Friday, September 17, 2010

Tip #2: Coupon Etiquette - What to do when using your Q's

So we have all encountered the "rude couponer", the dreaded "couponer that holds a line up for 10 mins"...etc. These are all unfortunately situations that give us all a bad wrap and the ones that make the cashier quake in their boots. So how can you be a well prepared, and pleasant couponer in the check out line?

In every class I teach, I could literally talk for 2 days about all the different aspects of couponing and, well, I can't do that! There is one thing I try to talk about, if time permits, and that is how to be prepared to approach the check out line.  Yes, there is a way to do it in order to 1) cut down on the time it takes you to check out, and 2) make your cashier adores that you know what you are doing. 

Here a few tips to help you get a better wrap in the check out line:
  1. Be prepared
    •  Before you jump in line, take a minute to pull the buggy out of the way and make sure you have all of your coupons for your items ready.  It takes time and it is frustrating to those behind you, when you suddenly realize that you left out a coupon and you have to stand there and fumble around for it. 
    • Make sure that you have read your coupons correctly.  If it is a coupon for .50/2 (.50 off of 2 items), be sure you have two items.  Another example would be, "Buy any 2 Packages of Ball Park franks, receive a pack of Sara Lee buns for free"...make sure you have all of items and brands that the coupon call for.  
    • Little trick I learned from a friend of mine...when she is in line and someone walks up behind her, she holds her coupons where the person behind her can easily see them.  This lets them know that you have them, and it gives them the opportunity to move to another line, or kindly stay behind you and watch you save money :).  I also watch behind me because if someone pulls in that even appears to have a few items or looks like they are in a hurry, I kindly tell them that I have coupons, just wanted to give them a heads up.  They really do appreciate it, and then they can make the decision to stay or move.
  3. Coupons before groceries
    • This step is one that a lot of people don't realize.  I see lots of shoppers who wait until all of the items have been scanned and bagged and then WHAM! surprise mr. have 50 coupons to scan too!...(oh the joy on his face)
    • Hand your coupons to the cashier BEFORE they start ringing up your items.  Some cashiers like to quickly scan through the coupons and look for expired items, etc...before they start scanning.  It also prepares them so they don't have a nice surprise of your 50 coupons at the end.
  4. Free Items together
    • I keep these at the front of my line and also hand them to the cashier separately.  I tell them these are my coupons for any free items.  Any coupon which includes a free item or a blank where the cashier is require to fill in the price should be given to the cashier all together.  This includes any BOGO coupons, or if you are a Publix shopper, your penny item Q.  If they scan all of the groceries and then get these types of coupons, they have to scan back through all of the items to find the price.  Sometimes they even have to go back through bags to find the item and this takes up time.  Believe me, they will thank you for it!

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